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Sergio Dal Cin - I was born in 1983 in Italy and got graduated at College "Vescovile Dante Alighieri" in business and administration. 


I worked for several years as hotel administrator but since young ages I played bass in indie rock bands and started recording miself and external bands.


In 2006 I recorded and produced my own full album as TMC - Teatro Musicato Cosciente and other artists such as Lullabier and Metro Music Lab.


In 2013 I relocated to Glasgow and got a degree in audio production at Glasgow Kelvin College.


Currently studying Audio Technologies at University of West of Scotland and producing audio for private media companies and independent bands of any music genre.


I'm a huge fan of psychoacoustic, philosophy, commodities future trading and critical thinking in general. 


I consider myself a "brilliant ignorant person", the only thing that I learned reading Socrates.  

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